Saturday, May 23, 2009

Catching up...

...we have been pretty busy lately with the weather being so nice and all. So, I wanted to take a moment and share some photos from the goings on at our house recently.

Sydney, our puppy, is getting big and getting into trouble right and left. She is very smart and responding to training quite well. It is an ongoing process, but I surely can't wait until she is trained and less trouble maker...LOL! She is a sweetheart and it is great to have her in our family.

The kids are growing like weeds. Layna is not a baby anymore...she is definitely a big girl now. She wants to do EVERYTHING her brother does and as a result is growing up so very fast. She does have some delay in speech and will be starting speech therapy in the near future. Brayden is soaking up every ounce of knowledge that he can get. He is very interested in books lately. He likes to read them to his sister, mom and dad. It is very cute. I have a short video clip of him reading a book to Layna that I may add to this post. He still loves riding his bike and playing with his friends.

Things are looking up for Matt at work as far as business picking up and income increasing again. As a result, he has quit his second job for Target. It is nice to have him home again! Once Brayden starts preschool in the fall, I am hoping to pick up some hours subbing at the daycare again. It will be nice to get out of the house, interact with adults and get some extra money as well.

We are looking forward to the summer. We don't have any big vacations planned, but hope to do some day trips and maybe long weekends hear and there.

LOVE the mischievious look!

My little artist!

I was feeling brave and motivated on day, so we hauled out the easel and did some painting. It was a lot of fun.


Even Sydney had a playdate. Bear is about 5 months old and the two of them had a blast playing together.

We, or course, are hitting the parks A LOT!

Taking a rest after playing with a neighbor dog, Isabella!


Brayden's good friend Henry celebrated his 4th bday recently. We joined Henry, his mom and his sister to a local science museum. It was SOOOOOOO crowded, but we had a good time nonetheless.


Last, but not least, we bought a slip-n-slide to enjoy in the backyard. Of course, Matt had to show the kids how it worked. Brayden wasn't real thrilled with it. He spent most of his time running through the sprinkling water and playing in the small pool of water at the end. Layna, on the other hand, LOVED it. Matt pushed her down it and she laughed the whole time!


Anonymous said...

looks like you guys have been haveing FUNN!

Your dog is sooo pretty!!

Mom x 3 said...

Love the pics of the slip and slide! Loved that as a kid!! :) Looks like it's been a fun last few weeks!

Tina said...

busy, busy, busy...the kids are getting so big. They are just too cute.