Thursday, April 9, 2009

Getting better... taking pictures that is.

A while back I wrote a post about wanting to learn how to take photos in which the focal point is in focus but the background is blurry. After the comments that I received, I was disappointed believing that my camera wasn't a high enough quality. Well, my camera can do it and I am getting better at learning how to do it. I still believe that if I had a higher quality camera I would be able to do it with a little more ease. However, this is going to have to do for now. Here are some photos of my "new skill" and of course some others!

I know you didn't come to see photos of plants...but they sit still much better than my children do which makes photography practice MUCH easier!

Success...with a moving target! I am loving this photo!

On the go doing his FAVORITE activity...riding his tricycle...

Pretty girl!

Bubble time!

Just cuteness...

...and more cuteness!


Anonymous said...

Those are some great pics or some cute kiddos!

Hannah said...

I think the pictures look Great! I'd give you advice on taking pictures...but I have no idea how to do stuff :) I don't know what type of camera you have but I know of several people (and a few bloggers) who take amazing pictures with a small point and shoot.

Megan said...

Great photos. My favorite is the one of Layna chasing the bubble.

Das Mutter said...

LOVE that bubble pic with Layna!!! They are all good, but that one really caught my eye. So how did you make the focus thing work? I'm interested in checking it out, too. Love the one with B and his tongue out....goofy butt.