Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...

Things here have been pretty busy lately. It's nap time and I thought I would update the blog quick...

Let's start where the last post left off at...when all of our visitors left, Brayden got sick. We were at the doctor last Wednesday and the diagnosis was strep throat and scarlet fever...YUCK!!! (I hope everyone that was here visiting stayed healthy, sorry guys!) I felt so bad for the poor little guy. The worst part seemed to be the itchiness of the rash. He felt so dry and scaly!!! He has been on antibiotics for a week and is doing MUCH better. Amazingly, Layna did not end up sick too. She has been very fussy, but no symptoms. We had her tested for strep at the doctor's office the same day as Brayden. She is definitely, I think that accounts for the fussiness.

Then, Friday and Saturday, my mom helped me do a garage sale here at the house. The weather held out for us and I think we did decent with the sales. I am just glad to have the stuff out of my house. Of course, we have quite a bit left over that we need to donate or try to sell on-line or to resale shops. It's all in the garage for now.

Of course Sunday was father's day. We go to the Schaumburg airport for a pancake breakfast with Matt's family every year. Basically, the airport is small and it houses small airplanes that "regular" people own. The food is served in one of the hangers and hosted by former Air Force people. The food is good and the kids LOVE watching the airplanes take off and land. The pilots of the planes are available for rides too. I have never done it, but Matt has.

During all of our business, Layna has officially become a walking toddler! She is choosing to walk more than crawl and LOVES her new found freedom. I still need to take some photos and video of her newest accomplishment.

Today is Matt's 30th birthday!!! Happy Birthday Honey!!! You are a wonderful husband and fantastic father. I couldn't ask for more. Thank you for all that you do for our family. For Matt's birthday, we went out to breakfast this morning (Matt is working late shift this week, so dinner wasn't an option). Brayden, Layna and I also gave him an ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery...that is what he asked for. We haven't had any yet...hopefully tonight!!!

I am usually such an avid photograph taker, but regret that I did not take photos of the above listed events. So, here are some cute photos of Layna I took in the last couple of days!


Anonymous said...

I hope little Brayden is doing better..I hate when kids are sick ;O(

I love the new pics!

Robyn said...

What cute pics!! Hope Brayden feels better soon!!


Robyn said...

What cute pics!! Hope Brayden feels better soon!!


Tina said...

Oh I hope Brayden is feeling better soon. And Layna looks adorable.

Candy said...

LOVE THE REUINION SLIDE SHOW...I did not Know that Sarah and Joe had had a Baby...HOW COOL...and I miss David and Jousha too...WOW how FUN!

Ruthanne said...

Oh, poor Brayden!! That's a LOT for a little guy. Hope he's feeling better SOON!!