Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Playing with camera features...and other randomness!

I have learned about some cool features on my Canon digital camera with the help of some forum and blogger friends. So, yesterday, I just had some fun trying them out. By no means am I a master of the art...but, I think some of them turned out pretty cute. I will keep practicing. I especially like the feature of one color showing up in the picture. I need A LOT more practice on that one!

Before I move on to the actual pictures, I have a story to share. Have you ever wished that the playlands at Mcdonalds, the ones with way up high tubes to climb in, came equipped with a "flush button" that sent all of the children sailing out??? Then, you could just grab your child(ren) and go. I am sure you all know where I am going with this. Yesterday, Brayden, Layna and I headed to Mcdonalds with my SIL Kati and her two little ones, Kyle and Morgan for lunch. Kati, I am sorry you had to witness and be a part of this adventure! Brayden had a BLAST playing in the play area...he was even going ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP which is something he doesn't always do. He typically only does it with other older children to follow around. Anyway, I gave him his 5 minute warning as usual while he was up in the top...he heard me. When the 5 minutes were up, he WOULD NOT COME DOWN! Imagine my frustration. I tried everything...I offered ice cream, pretended to leave and put on my "mommy voice". He would not budge. Initially, I was very angry with him and frustrated, but the more I looked at the situation, the more I realized he was scared and couldn't seem to figure out HOW to get back down. The look on his face was fear and panic. So, now what? Do I have to go up and get him? I REALLY didn't want to do that. I tried talking him through it and doing some more waiting and waiting and waiting. At this point, we was crying off and looked so sad. As I was standing there, holding Layna, trying to decide what to do another mom that was there offered to send her probably 7-year-old daughter up to get Brayden. So, off the little girl went and another girl about the same age followed. It took quite some time for the girls to get Brayden down. At one point, I heard Brayden crying hysterically. Finally, when they got him down, he grabbed on to me with all his might and just sobbed! He would not let go, and I had to carry BOTH children to the car. So, I do believe he was scared and lost up top. He has come down on his own before, but usually following another child. He was all alone up top this time, and just seemed lost and confused. He promptly fell asleep in the car on the way home. There is never a dull moment when you ae the parent of two toddlers.

Now, on to some pictures...

Pulling out the green in the photos...the camera defaults to green making it very easy to do. I am practicing pulling out other colors.

Taking photos in Sepia...I love the look of Sepia. I LOVE the picture of the two of them looking out the front door together. It's so hard to get photos of the kiddos together.

Finally, black and white. Black and white photos are so fun. I especially like framing them. The last one of Brayden is a new favorite of mine. He looks so sweet and his personality oozes out of the photo.


Das Mutter said...

Poor Brayden! Maybe next time he'll feel a little more confident...those things look kind of scary to me, too! :) Love the sepia pic of them looking out the door. That's a framer.

Tina said...

Oh man have I been there, only I did have to climb up. Poor Brayden.
As for the pics, isn't the Cannon fun! I love the color features but I'm a huge fan of Black and whites.

Our Family of 5 said...

I Love Black and White photos. I will totally have to mess around with my new camera and try some of these tricks. They are still as adorable as ever. Love the picture of them looking out the window!

Farrah said...

Love the pics...I have a camera I have No clue what to do with it except take normal boring pics!!!