Monday, February 4, 2008

I have been tagged and a few other things...

This post may get lengthy because I have a few things to share. First of all...I have been tagged by!

The rules are to link the person who sent this and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours~Post the rules on your blog~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself~Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and link their blog~Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are 7 strange/weird things about me...
1. I am a listaholic...I write EVERYTHING down in a list and often rewrite it numerous times. I also won't throw the list away until EVERY item on it is crossed off!

2. I am afraid to throw up...I haven't thrown up in like 12 years. I will do everything in my power not too. CRAZY - I know!!!

3. Math was my favorite subject throughout school! I took Calculus in college as an elective!

4. When I get angry or sad...I clean! Cleaning clears my head and makes me feel better. My vacuum and I have a very close relationship.

5. My nickname in high school was Suna the armadillo...LONG STORY!

6. I am a compulsive nail biter...gross, right?

7. Not real strange...but, I could eat McDonald's every meal of the day despite the fact that I worked there for almost five years in high school and college! It's sooooo good!

Now, I am tagging
Megan @
Our Adoption Journey @
Christina @
Becky @
Jen @
Megan @
Our Adoption Story @

In other news...Brayden definitely filled the shoes of his shirt that says "Big Trouble Comes in Small Packages"! See video clip below!

Today...he fell down the stairs with his wooden stool. The stool got him on the forehead on the way down. Here are a few pictures in which you can kind of see the bump/bruise! My poor little monkey!

***MALAYNA SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***(Brayden however...did not)

Last but not least...I THINK WE ARE ALL FINALLY HEALTHY!!!

Thanks for bearing with my LONG post tonight!


Tina said...

Too cute!!

Das Mutter said...

OMG, that video cracks me up. Why? Because you may recall my pictures of Henry doing the same thing during the month Claudia came home! I've got pictures--once he even pulled his shelves right down so he could get the stuff off the top shelf. Boys are never boring! Oh, and I guess now I say, You've been tagged....right?

Marianne said...

Priceless....thanks for sharing. How do you get angry at that....adorable!

Katie said...

LOL -- he is to little to make that big of a mess !!!

Braedensmommy said...

This is too perfect! I absolutely love that video!!!
I am so glad all of your family is healthy!