Friday, January 25, 2008

FFF-Fave Foto Friday!!!

"Another picture...really, Mom?" Brayden woke up from his nap the other day and insisted on wearing his hat backwards, and YES...BIG TROUBLE does come in small packages (see shirt)!

"Ok mom, even though I don't feel very well, I will smile for you!"

WOW...let's just say that things have been VERY busy here. Layna is struggling with the germs here in the Chicagoland area. First it was the fever and rash issue a few weeks back. Upon arriving home from AZ last Thursday, she came down with some sort of stomach bug and now she has a nasty cold just like mommy, daddy and Brayden. I feel like I am doing something wrong since Layna is getting sick so much, but then Matt reminded me that the same thing happened when Brayden came home. He, too, was sick CONSTANTLY! We will just have to get through the winter season and pray for a healthy spring. I miss my sweet daughter's happy smiling face. Don't get me wrong, she is still smiley...but, it looks like a lot of effort put into each smile she gives me. So, after a visit to the doctor with both kiddos today, Brayden is on antibiotic for a sinus infection and Layna did not have anything treatable with meds...all viral.

On a side note....Matt has been out of town on business since Tuesday. He will he home tonight, and I CAN'T WAIT! We have missed you very much, Daddy!


Katie said...

Love the pics and hope you are all well soon !!

Our Family of 5 said...

Adorable Pictures. Hope everyone is healthy and feeling better soon.

Megan said...

cute pics!

Robyn said...

How adorable!!
