Thursday, December 27, 2007

We Had A VERY Merry Christmas

What an amazing Christmas this year was for our family. We feel very blessed to have been able to bring our daughter home just in time for Christmas. God is VERY good!!!

We sure have been busy this Christmas getting to know our daughter, trying to fall into a routine and celebrating the holiday. Considering how busy we have been since arriving home with Malayna...she is doing FANTASTIC. She sleeps through the night, takes two naps a day and is overall a VERY happy baby. She typically cries when she wants to sleep or eat. She is saying mamamama and dadadada which we love of course. We can't believe how easy going she is...just like her brother was when he came home. What a have two easy going kids!

We of course took tons of pictures over the last week...and I will be including many of them with this post. I am also going to work on creating a slide show set to music of the photos from our pick up trip. Tomorrow we are headed to JCPenney for Layna's (the nicname Layna was started by big brother and seems to be sticking)first professional photo shoot. We are going to see if big brother Brayden will cooperate for the photos and try to get them together as well. I can't wait to get more photos of Layna hanging on the wall...I have been saving wall space for her.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we wish everyone a very happy new year...enjoy the photos!!!

Malayna enjoying her bucket of toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Brayden and Malayna in front of the Christmas tree...not the best photo, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to get Brayden to sit for pictures any more.

Mommy and Malayna together in front of the Christmas tree!

Brayden in front of the Christmas tree!

Brayden absolutely LOVES Grandpa Thompson's BIG wooden train. He plays with it whenever he goes to Grandma and Grandpa Thompson's house.

Great Grandma Busch and Malayna!

I had to do the coordinating Christmas PJs! Aren't they cute?

Malayna's first piggy bank...there is money at home waiting to go in!

Brayden opening his first wooden train set!!!

Malayna checking out Brayden's train set!

Brayden opening another present. I have to note the glow worm between his legs. Malayna received the glow worm as a gift, but Brayden seems to have claimed it for his own. He absolutely LOVES the glow worm and has a hard time parting with it. Who knew a two-year-old would love a glow worm so much. It's a good thing Malayna doesn't know the difference right now.

Another silly Brayden photo!

A few photos of Brayden enjoying the wooden train set he got for Christmas! He sure does love it! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Thompson!!!

Brayden being silly!

Malayna in her cuteness!

Papa and Malayna's fist photo together...Happy Birthday Papa!!! He has a Christmas birthday!


Megan said...

Awww :-)

Robyn said...

What wonderful pics!!


Our Family of 5 said...

Oh my gosh, I switched PC's and just getting my blogs back up and running. I couldn't wait to get to your blog to see if Miss Maylana made it home in time. What a Merry Christmas. Hope you have a super New Year!! It's great to see the kids together.

Our Adoption Process said...

I am just catching up and wow, I am so happy you got to bring Layna home before Christmas. I guess her adoption went smoother. Now you can join us in the fun of having two. It is a full-time job!!! Congrats, and she is beautiful!
Brayden is very handsome too!!
