Friday, October 12, 2007

Called PGN

Well, we called PGN again yesterday. It's not good or bad news, just news we were expecting and hoping to hear. We are still with the 2nd reviewer. The man we spoke to estimated that we will be on the final reviewer's desk the week of Oct. 22nd. He stated that it will be a shorter time with the final reviewer. So, hopefully as long as no one finds any problems with our file, we will be OUT the week of Halloween of the first week of November.

Please continue to pray for us as we await the completion of the adoption of our sweet Malayna. In addition to the HPB (Hague Permanency Bureau) publicly stating their support of an in-process grandfathering ammendment being added to the Ortega Law, UNICEF has now stated their support as well. There are also unconfirmed rumors that President Berger (Guatemala's president) is supporting the completion of in-process cases. These rumors are VERY inconsistent and loose, so we can only wait and see. JCICS is in constant communication with the Guatemalan goverment and has stated they will post an update on their website on Monday the 15th. I pray it is good news.

We are still feeling very positive and hopeful that Malayna will be home with us for Christmas and we won't have to worry about any of this...but, we are keeping informed.

I have asked about updated pictures and medical with no response. I will ask again next week. Hopefully we will get some new photos soon...that always boosts my spirits.


Braedensmommy said...

I'm happy for the news! You guys are always in our prayers

Megan said...

That sounds very hopeful. I hope you will have her home soon.