Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 14...We've been in PGN for 2 weeks today!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to post an update on Malayna's adoption...I am starting to get the "when is she coming home?" question A LOT. There is NO news to report. As of today, the PGN has had our case for two weeks. The average amount of time (if there are no problems) is about 8-10 weeks or so. So, we have a while to go yet. PAPs (prospective adoptive parents) are allowed to call PGN now to find out status on their case, which is different from when we were adopting Brayden. However, I am gong to try to wait at least 4 or more weeks before calling. When I make that call, I will definitely post whatever I find out. So, right now, we are literally just sitting and waiting. I am hoping we receive new photos soon, but since we just visited, it may take a few more weeks.

We are praying for a smooth stay in PGN this time around. Everyone's thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. We can't wait to bring our sweet little girl home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy I'm praying she gets out with no problems!!!