Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some Photos for Your Viewing Pleasure and an Update on the Kids

I had fallen off the photo taking train for a little while, but have gotten back on. Here are a handful of photos from the last week or so and an update on the kiddos...Don't fall down...there are only FIVE pictures! I don't think I have ever limited it to so few photos.



Layna is trying to talk all the time lately. However, I am not sure exactly what she is saying. Here are a few of the things she is saying that I do understand (I may be the ONLY one who understands, but it's a start)...

*Nigh nigh for night night which we say at nap and bedtime

*She has her own consistent version for thank you and help me and uses them in appropriate situations

*Bye Bye

*Da for dog


*Up (this is my favorite because now she doesn't have to follow me around whining...LOL)

*Mama and Dada

*No (she will also shake her head yes and no)

*There's more...but, I am drawing a blank right now

Additionally, she REALLY enjoys her brother. She wants to be with him ALL the time and play with all of the things he is playing with. As a result, she wants NOTHING to do with girly toys. No dolls, no dress up, no purses, etc...Looks like we have quite a tomboy on our hands. I am anxious to get Layna to her 18 month check up because I think she has gotten much taller. Her hair is getting so long too...I can almost get all of her hair up in two piggie tails! We have decided to grow all of her hair out...bangs included. Her hair has so many different lengths right now, it's crazy. She is walking EVERYWHERE and beginning to explore running. We are loving the walking...makes certain things much easier. We often call her Miss Independent because she is wanting to do all kinds of things by herself such as using a fork. We are amazed that she can and will use her fork...we are STILL trying to get Brayden to use his fork consistently. It's very refreshing. She has also discovered the joy of books. She wants to look at them all the time and if any adult sits on the floor, s/he is bound to get a Layna in the lap with a book. I am looking to join a mommy and me class with her this fall depending on what kind of program I can enroll Brayden in as well.



Brayden is doing very well...testing mommy to the limits, though! He is ALL boy and ALL two-year-old!!! He is loving his wooden train set, and it is fun to see him actually playing with imagination now. He makes his trains talk to each other...unfortunately, they often put each other in time out! Guess Brayden spends so much time there that he uses it in his play. He is learning that his sister isn't all bad and she can be fun to play with too. We are still working on the whole sharing issue though...that is the hardest challenge right now. ANYTHING Layna touches suddenly Brayden wants and the world will come to an end if he can't have it. I am hoping this is normal sibling rivalry. The cooperative play between the two of them however, has greatly increased which is so fun to see. I am hoping to get Brayden enrolled in a preschool type program through the park district in the fall. He doesn't qualify for most preschool programs because his birthday is in October...the cut off in our area is September 1st. The park district offers a variety of six week long drop off programs that are about two hours long a couple days a week. I think he will enjoy the time with other children and care givers. It will also give Layna and me some time to hang out. Brayden's imagination and desire to learn are thriving...he is asking questions a lot ond making all kinds of observations. He is TOTALLY into bugs lately. Maybe we have a budding scientist on our hands. His new favourite TV show is Little Einsteins...yes, I let my children watch TV...and his current favorite movie is Cars.


Well, that's the kiddos in a nutshell. Enjoy the following photos!


Ruthanne said...

LOVE the pictures! The tub pics are so cute. The update is a great idea--I feel like I know them a little better now. :)

Megan said...

I love the "little chef" pictures. How adorable.

Das Mutter said...

Love the chef/dress up pics! And the sibling rivalry is totally normal. It's love/fight. Frustrating and funny all at the same time!

Tina said...

Oh the sibling rivalry....I could have written the same post for just about everything except the talking, running, and the trains. lol. Glad to hear they are doing good. Love the bathtime photos!

Robyn said...

What cute pics!! I love the update idea!!


Susie said...

Just cute all together! Susie