Monday, June 23, 2008

A very sad post...(Edited)

It is with great sadness that I am writing this post. When Brayden came home from Guatemala our black lab, Ebony, had some difficulty with the transition. There were several "incidents" involving Ebony and Brayden. However, Ebony was our first baby, so we continued to work with her. Bringing Layna home seemed to be the icing on the cake for Ebony. We have had several "incidents" with her and Layna as well. A while back we tried to find her a new home, but I struggled with that plan. I didn't want to just give our problem to another family with the potential for another incident to occur. So, at that time we decided to keep her and we invited a training specialist into our home to help us deal with the unacceptable behavior. We worked with Ebony for several months and thought things were better. Unfortunately on Friday night there was another "incident" between Ebony and Layna. This was the worst one yet (and when I say "incident", I mean bite). Layna is ok, but I have never been so angry at Ebony.

So, on Saturday morning Ebony went to doggy heaven. I know many people may judge us for our decision, but it was right for our family and not an easy decision. We feel that we exhausted all options at this point. I was not comfortable putting her into a different home to do the same thing to another child/person. Please don't judge our decision, just pray for our hearts to heal. We will miss our girl, Ebony.

EDITED TO ADD...Many of you are asking, so I just want to say that Layna is ok. Ebony bit her on her back close to her armpit and neck. She has two puncture wounds (one near her armpit and the other near the back of her neck) and is bruising up now. Thankfully it was not her face or head...dangerously close though. I am sure everything will heal up nicely. She is on antibiotic for a sinus infection, so that should prevent any infection in the puncture wounds.


Becky said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter the circumstances, it still hurts. We've done it before for the same reasons too. You have to do what's right for your family. I'm glad that Layna is ok and I hope your grief is short lived.

Becky and Jack

Megan said...

I am so sorry. I know this was not an easy decision for you and Matt. I also know how much you loved Ebony. I'm sorry for your loss.

Our Family of 5 said...

I hope Layna is ok. I totally understand your decision. It's never a easy decision no matter what the circumstances. I am just glad that Layna and Brayden are ok!

Das Mutter said...

I know, I'm so sorry. It's so hard when you have to make that choice, I had my cat for 8 years and went through all that as well. Hang in there...

Christina said...

Wow, sorry for your loss but totally understand your decision. I have a cat that is 19 yrs old that has become such a nuisance with issues from old age but I just can't make myself take her to the vet....ugghhh. Glad to know that Brayden and Layna are ok though.

Julie said...

Found your blog from forum and wanted to offer you some support and hugs for this difficult choice. We had to make the same one back in August 2005 when our beagle had reached a state where we could not ethically pass him off to another family knowing he had a tendancy to turn nasty, nor could we keep him around with our newborn daughter knowing the risk he posed to her, us, and any caretakers or visitors in our home. It was horribly sad, but in the end your family and children have to come first. I'm so sorry for the heartache and guilt and sadness and such that come with it, though.

Kelly said...

I am so sorry for your loss and having worked at a vet's office for several years I had seen this situation before. You had to do what was best for your children...I know Ebony was your child too but biting is just unacceptable.You did all you could to help Ebony transition and she just did not want to share you with anyone else. You tried...when so many don't . You are all in my prayers.

Ruthanne said...

I'm SO sorry. Losing a pet is awful, no matter what the circumstances. You have to do what is best for your children, though, and sometimes that means saying good-bye to a pet. I'm so glad Layna is ok.

LouLou said...

Amy, email me your email address for the blog....

Susie said...

No one should ever judge you. We have a dog too, and I worried about the same issues. Fortunately for us, we have not had any incidents. You did the right thing and I pray God gives you peace and that you receive his healing for your heart. It's ok...this too shall pass. Susie

Eric&Theresa said...

Amy and Matt,

I know that it has been awhile since this has happened, but I finally was able to have some time to read your blog...I wanted to offer you my support. I can understand your pain and if you remember, the same thing happened to Ren with Myles. It is a hard decision but one, unfortunetely, that you have to make. I hope that Layna is ok. We love you guys and stand beside your ya, Theresa